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4 min read.

The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Sajid Javid, has now unveiled the much anticipated Housing White Paper – Danielle Newbon from our property team looks at the key issues the consultation paper raises for homebuyers, developers and the rental sector.

The Housing White paper follows a push by the government to build at least one million homes by 2020 (200,000 per annum), an extremely tough target when you consider 190,000 homes were built in 2015/16 while the average build rate since the 1970’s has been 160,000.

Danielle says: “This is certainly not a new concern as there has been talk of a housing crisis for some time, as there are more people wanting to buy than there are residential properties for sale.

“We hope that the result of this Government White Paper will be an increase in residential property for sale in the UK, as it has the potential to make a difference over the long term.”

So far the paper has met with a mixed reaction from the property industry, so here are some of the headlines:


Local Authorities

Homebuyers and renters

Danielle concludes: “Whether such measures will work in practice will have to be seen, as shareholders in the construction industry will resist attempts to restrict the number of sites held as part of their investment portfolio.

“But the commitment to full transparency on the ownership of land and land options is welcoming. More information from developers could help cut the discrepancy between planning permission being granted and new homes being built.

“Councils will also have an opportunity to release public land for new housing, though the rules on building on green belt remain unchanged and will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.”

Anyone interested in legal advice on buying, developing or renting land or property can contact Danielle on 01889 598888 or email

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