Bowcock & Pursaill LLP is a limited liability partnership which is registered in England and Wales with number OC342155.
We use the term Partner to refer to a Member of the LLP.
Registered office
54 St Edward Street
Staffordshire, ST13 5DJ
Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
Important warning message regarding cyber crime
PLEASE NOTE that we will NEVER contact you to confirm an amendment to our bank details by phone or email. We have given these to you in our initial letter. We will also not accept any notice of changes to your bank details by email or phone.
If you have any suspicions about any interactions that you receive, at any stage, then please contact us IMMEDIATELY do not use any numbers or email addresses contained in any suspect email.
If you have any concerns before transferring any monies to our bank account please speak to the person dealing with your matter. Please do not send any monies to any other account as we will not accept any responsibility in relation to this.
Privacy and Confidentiality Notice
The contents of our emails are confidential to the intended recipient at the email address to which it has been addressed. It may not be disclosed to, or used by anyone other than the addressee, nor may it be copied in anyway. If received in error, please email: quoting the name of the sender and the addressee, then delete it from your system. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not represent those of Bowcock & Pursaill Solicitors LLP unless otherwise specifically stated.